Via script (macOS or Linux)
$ wget -O- | bash
# or with curl...
$ curl -L | bash
Via Homebrew (macOS or Linux)
Based on
$ brew tap carvel-dev/carvel
$ brew install ytt kbld kapp imgpkg kwt vendir kctrl
Specific version from a GitHub release
To download, click on one of the assets in a chosen GitHub release, for example for 'ytt-darwin-amd64'.
# Compare binary checksum against what's specified in the release notes
# (if checksums do not match, binary was not successfully downloaded)
$ shasum -a 256 ~/Downloads/ytt-darwin-amd64
08b25d21675fdc77d4281c9bb74b5b36710cc091f30552830604459512f5744c /Users/pivotal/Downloads/ytt-darwin-amd64
# Move binary next to your other executables
$ mv ~/Downloads/ytt-darwin-amd64 /usr/local/bin/ytt
# Make binary executable
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ytt
# Check its version
$ ytt version