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`kctrl` FAQ

How can we add information to PackageMetadata generated by kctrl package release?

Any changes to the PackageMetadata reesource in the package-resources.yml file will be copied over to the released artifact.

How can I build images while releasing a package using kctrl?

kctrl builds and pushes images using kbld if a kbld config is specified in the config being bundled into the package.

For example,

# config/config-release.yml
kind: Config
- image: simple-app
  path: .
- image: simple-app
  newImage: 100mik/simple-app

Here, we are expressing that the image referred to as simple-app needs to be built from the root of the project (the path being .). And pushed to OCI registry 100mik/simple-app.

This file needs to reside in the paths passed to ytt in the AppSpec described in the PackageBuild resource. And also be included in the list of paths assigned to key includePaths.

Along with kbld configuration, the container image name in the deployment should be same as the sources.image in the kbld configuration. e.g.:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: simple-app
      simple-app: ""
        simple-app: ""
      - name: simple-app
        image: simple-app #! <-- should be same as `sources.image` in the kbld config
        - name: SIMPLE_MSG
          value: stranger

How can we add ytt overlays or additional configuration to upstream release artifacts?

Overlays can be created in a separate folder in the project directory. kctrl can be made aware of any additional folders by updating package-build.yml manually, If the project directory looks something like this,

├── package-build.yml
├── package-resources.yml
├── upstream
│   └── cert-manager.yaml
├── overlays
│   └── overlay.yaml
│   └── values-schema.yaml
├── vendir.lock.yml
└── vendir.yml

Where, the directory overlays containing ytt files is created by the user. The fields includePaths and the template section of the App spec needs to be updated in package-build.yml like this,

kind: PackageBuild
- resource: {}
        - kapp: {}
        - ytt:
            - upstream
            - overlays   # <= addition to package template
        - kbld: {}
    - imgpkgBundle:
        image: 100mik/certman-carvel-package
        useKbldImagesLock: true
        - upstream
        - overlays    # <= ensure additional files are included in imgpkg bundle

This is to ensure that the package is aware of the additional files, while includePaths ensures that the folder is a part of the imgpkg bundle created by kctrl.

The template section in package-resources.yml should be updated in a similar fashion to ensure that kctrl dev yields accurate results.

kctrl generates the OpenAPI schema for a package if a values schema is provided.

How can we go about updating a package dependent on an upstream release?

This can be done by running kctrl package init again and using the new tag/version. Alternatively, the value can be updated in the vendir.yml file and the new changes can be fetched by running vendir sync.

WARNING: This will overwrite any changes to the /upstream directory. It is recommended that any additional configuration or overlays should reside in a separate folder.

Can kctrl be used to publish packages in a CI pipeline?

Yes! kctrl remembers the answers to questions that have been answered. The --yes flag can be used to run the release command while using previously supplied values if package-resources.yml and package-build.yml are committed to a repository with the source code.

Can we provide our own ImagesLock resource instead of it being generated when we run the pkg release command?

Yes, the path containing the file will need to be added here, before updating package-build.yml and setting the key useKbldImagesLock in the export section to false.

Can I build images from source while using kctrl dev?

Yes, if the --kbld-build command is supplied to the dev command, it will build images if a kbld config (similar to the one seen here) defines it.

NOTE: If your cluster points to the same docker daemon using used by kbld while building images. The images need not be pushed to a registry (only sources need to be defined). This is useful in some development environments, for example, if you are using a minikube cluster, and your local enironment points to the docker daemon inside the minikube cluster, this can be set up by doing something like (eval $(minikube docker-env))

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