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Template Module

@template Functions

The @ytt:template module provides a function that can be used to update templates.

To use these functions, include the @ytt:template module:

#@ load("@ytt:template", "template")

The functions exported by this module are:


Replaces the existing yaml node with the yaml node(s) provided or returned from a function call, of the same type. Underscore (_) is the conventional replacement key, though any key can be used.

  • node (yamlfragment) — yaml fragment that will replace the existing node


Add a new item to the labels mapping
#@ load("@ytt:template", "template")

  another-label: true
  _: #@ template.replace({"key2": "value2"})

results in:

  another-label: true
  key2: value2

Notice that the argument to the function entirely replaces the _ map item.

Use a function instead of providing the item(s) inline
#@ load("@ytt:template", "template")

#@ def my_labels():
#@   return {"key2": "value2"}
#@ end

  another-label: true
  key-will-disappear: #@ template.replace(my_labels())

results in:

  another-label: true
  key2: value2

Notice that the argument to the replace function entirely replaces the key-will-disappear map item.

So, regardless of the node’s key or value, template.replace will overwrite it with the argument provided.

See also: Replace example in the ytt Playground.

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